1. Install the Node.js
2. Open the Power shell and run node -v
3. Download and Install the Visual Studio Code
4. Install the Power Apps CLI
5. Validate the PowerApps CLI pac install latest
6. Create a PCF Project
. Create your own folder in your local machine
. Open a cmd prompt and change the location to above created.
. Execute the following command syntax is
pac pcf init --namespace CRMONCE --name CRMPCFProject --template field
7. run the command npm install
8. Open the folder in VSCode.
9. run npm run build
10 run "npm start"/ "npm start watch"
For continues solution build
Use below url if you get ssl error
To generate package use below command
pac solution init --publisher-name developer --publisher-prefix dev
go to directory
pac solution add-reference --path "C:\Users\user\Documents\ProjectPCFControl"
open VS Developer command and run below command
first time below command
msbuild /t:build /restore
next time for production use below command else
msbuild /p:configuration=Release
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